Monday, January 12, 2009
♥; dance fever
And so.. on Friday 9th Jan 2009, I got a call from my bro, he told me that there was a blackout going on... Yup, that's my block right there. The whole flat was in blackout mode from 6.30pm til 12+ midnight.. This was taken around 9.45pm or so when i reached home from dance practice..
The cause?
Something happened to the generator, it was on fire or something like that, i saw a cameraman, i saw 2 trucks with a neon sign on its top going round the carpark area with a flashing message telling residents "Sorry for inconvenience", i saw the Civil Defence peeps, i saw a fire truck, etc.
The view from my bedroom window.
Totally pitch-black. I took this picture using my phone.
Don't be fooled by the bright light. See those candles? Used in my room.
While taking this picture, i had my camera phone's light switched on, plus the torchlight as well.
What a night. I even ate in darkness, haha, nah, what i really mean is.. we ate with candles around us.. ala Candlelight dinner or what? haha.
Sat, 10 Jan 2009 - SSP Zapin Hip-Hop Performance on Open House
thanks to Aizat, the choreographer. :)